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Palo Santo Smudging Sticks from Peru Sustainably Harvested Quality Hand Picked – 100 Grams (18-25 Sticks Approx.)

Original price was: $75.89.Current price is: $55.65.

  • Palo Santo, when burned has a unique aroma that can help deepen spiritual moments of meditation and contemplation.
  • Our Palo Santo sticks come from trees that die in a natural way, during this process of decomposition the tree is compressed, secreting its oil and acquiring its medicinal and aromatic properties. The tree remains uncollected for three to four years. Cutting a Palo Santo tree without the decomposition process won’t result in the same benefits.
  • Palo Santo was mainly used by Peruvian shamans in their religious and spiritual rituals as a tool to bring good luck, ward off any signs of negativity and as a means of getting a better spiritual connection.
  • We are a Fair Trade focused company so all of our Palo Santo is obtained through fair business practices for the workers in South America as well as for the environment.
  • 100 Grams of sustainably harvested Palo Santo are hand picked for quality. Comes in a reusable cotton drawstring bag.

Palo Santo is an enchanting tree that grows on coastal areas of South America. It is related to Copal, Myrrh, and Frankincense. Palo Santo literally means “Holy Wood”. Shamans and healers traditionally burn it for its energetic purification and healing attributes much like sage. When burned, it produces an enriching aroma which increases your personal vibration when preparing for meditative therapy and gives you a more profound connection to your being. Palo Santo is perfect for smudging. Smudging is a technique used to create a cleansing smoke bath. Unlike traditional incense, This product may include 13-18 sticks. The count is based on weight. The quantity will vary. Palo Santo will hold an ember for a little while then will need to be re-lit.


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