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54mm Espresso Dosing Cup | Measuring Coffee Beans and Coffee Dose Grounds | Aluminum Metal | Fits 54mm Sage Barista Portafilter | Coffee Machine Accessrioes | Black

Original price was: $38.98.Current price is: $28.59.

  • The 54mm dosing cup can be exactly scale the coffee beans and the coffee grounds, to help the barista making a perfect coffee.
  • No coffee wasting, Compatible with Breville Barista Express, Barista Touch, Barista Pro.
  • Espresso dosing cup 54mm fits perfectly on the 54mm portafilter, it is good collection to Breville coffee machine accessrioes.
  • 54mm coffee dosing cup made of aluminum metal can be easily cleaned with water.
  • Return the dosing cup for a full refund if you’re not satisfied.
54mm dosing cup
dosing cup
54mm dosing cup
black dosing cup

If you looking for a cup to catch the ground coffee but also start the grinder when pushed in and this is the product.

The product is very high quality with the important auto Built-in dosing tab meaning you just push it to start the grinder and it stops automatically.

It??s strong, light and coated very well, measuring dose before and after grinding, Invert over portafilter when done and tap and it??s nicely in your basket ready for distribution and tamping.

It has made your coffee preparation completely mess free, Perfect for dosing and keeping the coffee machine clean and tidy.

Great addition to the Breville Barista Express/Barista Pro portafilter, Also ideal for dosing from a different grinder.


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